Cutting down on your Internet bills may be one of the solutions you can get in order to save money. If you can reduce the time you spend for your internet service, then it is likely that you can also save hundreds of dollars a year. You can opt to avail of promos offered by your internet providers or check if there are some. If you're spending a lot for a particular provider, then you might as well try looking for a cheaper one.

Ask your Internet provider
One way to save money on internet service is to call your provider and you may ask for any promos. For example, promos for those who pay earlier every month might get a discount or an additional incentive. Make it known to the phone representative that you are a good customer and the provider might give you something to cut down your bills even for a while and to keep a good customer like you.

Benchmark with other Internet service provider
Calling a new service provider might be of help too if you think of availing for a new one. Before asking about the pricing details, ask first if the company offers the service at your area or locale. You can also ask if the company offers promos or anything special to new customers.

Learn to negotiate
To save money on internet service, try negotiating with a sales agent to get a better deal. If you have called several providers, tell the agent about this and negotiate with the price comparing with the prices of other providers. IF the agent cannot cut down the price, then maybe you can ask if any fios promo codes will be offered for a few months as a favor for new customers.

Avail on one provider only
Getting services from several providers is more costly so might as well avail of services for one provider and the company may reduce your monthly bill for it. Opting for one service provider for your internet, phone and cable services also gives you ease when it comes to paying your bills.

Lower down the Internet connection speed
Try asking your service provider if they can downgrade your internet speed. Since you are paying more for high-speed connection, settling for a lower one might save you more money. If you are not watching videos that consume a larger bandwidth or that needing faster internet speed, then this option might be better for your budget.

Consider getting dial-up internet
If you are not using the computer on a regular basis, then this option might work. Using the Internet most of the time, you are likely to pay more for high-speed connection, and that is the last thing to do if you are trying to save money on internet service.

Saving money on the Fios internet service bundles is not difficult. You just have to use the Internet wisely and start availing of promos or asking your service provider for offers.  Just a little inquiry and sacrifice might do wonders!

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